My Dividend Portfolio – April 2021 Income Update

Hello and welcome to the fifth update of my Canadian dividend portfolio. If you have been following my journey so far, you may know that I’m very much hooked on investing and dividends look like one of the best forms of passive income to build up. So, I have been keeping at it, no matter how low my investment is. However, my monthly dividend income has been growing up consistently, which is all that matters for now.

Dividend Portfolio Value

My initial plan was to invest $100 per month continuously. This will ensure that I do not take an immediate dive into financial stress. I will be able to manage my day-to-day expenses without much impact on them. Also, I have a pretty big expense to save up to. After this expense passes, I will be able to invest more aggressively to accelerate my FIRE plan.

Since the start of my dividend investment journey in December 2020, so far, I have been able to invest $700. Yes, this is a little more than $100/month (hence, the “addiction” part). Fortunately, the investments have grown in value, even though that’s not what I’m in for. The total value of my stock portfolio stood at $858, up by over $150 or 22%. However, this was not due to some magic investment strategy or tool I used. This was merely the market catching up after the drop in 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Canadian Dividend Portfolio Update: April 2021

Let’s take a look at the dividend portfolio breakdown as of April 2021 end. At the beginning of the month, I had a total of 9 holdings out of which 7 were in dividend stocks. At the end of the month, I was able to acquire one more high dividend yield company to the portfolio. So, that’s a total of 10 holdings, out of which 8 are dividend stocks.

CompanyTickerNo. of SharesPurchase PriceTotal Value at Cost
Keyera Corp.KEY4$22.89$91.56
Manulife Financial Corp.MFC4$23.12$92.48
Pembina Pipeline Corp.PPL3$30.71$92.13
Shaw CommunicationsSJR-B4$22.10$88.40
Canadian UtilitiesCU3$31.72$95.16
Enbridge Inc.ENB2$45.31$90.62
North-West Health Prop REITNWH.UN1$13.04$13.04
E Split Corp (Class A)ENS7$13.86$97.02

I also have another $38 invested in non-dividend paying companies. This is an ongoing experiment, the results of which I will reveal soon enough.

Dividend Income Update: April 2021

April 2021 marks my second-highest dividend income per month. It is only second to March 2021 dividend income as a few quarterly dividends were paid out. So, in the normal course of dividend growth, April 2021 is my best monthly dividend income yet.

How much did I earn in dividends in April 2021? *drumroll* A whopping $1.74…!!!

CompanyDividend FrequencyDividend Per ShareJan 21 Feb 21 Mar 21 April 21Total Dividends
Keyera Corp.Monthly$0.1600$0.64$0.64$0.64$0.64$2.56
Manulife Fin. Corp.Quarterly$0.2800$1.12$1.12
Pembina PipelineMonthly$0.2100$0.63$0.63$0.63$0.63$2.52
Shaw Comm.Monthly$0.0985$0.40$0.40$0.40$0.40$1.59
Canadian Ut.Quarterly$0.4398
Enbridge Inc.Quarterly$0.8350
North-West REITMonthly$0.0667$0.07$0.07
E Split Corp (A)Monthly$0.1300

A total of $7.86 for an investment of a little over $700 (considering dividend re-investing too) is not too shabby. This represents an annualized dividend yield of 6%.

Keyera Corp. is still my dividend king in the portfolio with a return of 8.4%, closely followed by Pembina Pipeline Corporation with a yield of 8.2%. However, the latest addition to my portfolio, E Split Corporation should theoretically surpass both of these with an extremely high yield of over 11%. I made a video about this company which is shown at the end of this article.

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E Split Corporation

E Split Corp. is a split share company tracing the performance of one of the dividend kings in Canada-Enbridge Corporation. E Split Corp. allows its investors to buy Class A and Preference shares of the company which are then invested in Enbridge’s dividend stocks.

I made a comprehensive video on this company and its business model of paying incredible dividends to its investors. Check it out below.

There are many other split share companies with even higher dividend yields. But, be careful when you invest in their common shares, as most of them have several criteria to be met every month for dividends to be paid out. Their preference shares have guaranteed returns but much lower than their common share counterparts. So, pick your risk tolerances!

Let us know if you have any comments or questions about my dividend portfolio or yours in the comments section below.

Until next time, happy investing!
